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Buying a Home During COVID-19

April 22nd, 2020 by Inlanta Staff

We are living through challenging times that will one day be found in history books throughout the world.  In many states the Stay at Home Order caused non-essential workers to be home more than ever before and many are realizing their current space is too small, their layout is not functional, there is not enough storage, they are sick of paying their landlord or listening to their neighbors through paper-thin walls to name a few complaints. So, why not use this extra time to look at buying a house that will bring some joy back to being at home?

There is no better time to start looking at options for purchasing a new home, but is it possible to buy a home right now?

Some general facts you need to know before getting started in the home buying process during the COVID-19 outbreak:

  • You must be willing to embrace technology.
  • Mortgage Lenders are considered essential and are closing mortgage loans every week for purchases as well as refinances.
  • Every individual situation must be evaluated as there is not a one-size-fits-all option.
  • It is OK to get started by creating a home buying plan, but NOT purchase right away if you are uncomfortable with current conditions. Your safety and confidence are of utmost concern when purchasing a home.

Scroll through these slides for three easy steps on how to buy a home during COVID-19 safely and confidently.

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